Net Literacy’s Student Volunteers Are Empowered By Our Partnerships – Thank You Bright House Networks!
In 2004, Bright House Networks took a chance on a group of middle school students that had a dream that students could make a difference and narrowing the digital divide. Since then, Bright House Networks has provided Net Literacy’s student volunteers significant financial and moral support that has enabled us to increase digital inclusion and reduce the digital divide throughout central Indiana area. Bright House Networks is a company that gives back to the communities that they serve increasing computer access to tens of thousands of individuals through the construction of computer labs, donating computers to schools, thousands of families of students without a computer at home, and sponsoring an Internet safety awareness campaign that has helped increased Internet safety awareness to tens of thousands of Hoosiers. How can the more than 3000 Net Literacy student volunteers say thank you to Bright House Networks?
Watch this news story that shows Safe Connects being taught to YMCA students in a Bright House Networks – Net Literacy initiative!
The only way that we can try to show our gratitude to the investment that Bright House Network entrusted in Net Literacy is by working our hardest to put the resources that they provide us to change people’s lives. Bright House Networks’ Brooke Krodel serves as part of the Net Literacy Board and works with us students helping us do everything from produce public service announcements to deliver computers to community centers. The City of Indianapolis has honored Bright House Networks for increasing digital inclusion in Indianapolis.
Bright House has supported our efforts to create Internet safety public service announcements to increase awareness among students and their parents. To view the PSAs Bright House Networks helped us to crate, visit us at Safe Connects and click on “Safe Connects PSAs.” Bright House Networks and Net Literacy have also collaborated to teach Internet safety to youths, as we did with the YMCA in 2008. To increase Internet safety awareness, To increase Internet safety awareness, Bright House Networks is donating PSA spot time to Net Literacy to address Internet safety, financial literacy, and student success, Bright House has produced and run PSAs that enrich and educate the communities that they serve.
The Indiana Department of Education and Net Literacy co-host a news conference at the Statehouse announcing Safe Connects and discussing Bright House Network’s contribution. Listen to (then) Student Chair Brian Kelley discuss Safe Connects and Net Literacy’s other programs.
Schools use Safe Connects to satisfy annual eRate requirements. As an example, the Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) are using a student scripted and presented 30 minute video presentation to teach Internet safety to 12,000 high school students. The presentation can be viewed by visiting IPS’s website by clicking on this link.
The IDOE also includes Safe Connects content as a resource for educators and students throughout the State. Some of Net Literacy’s Safe Connects PSAs on the Department of Education’s website can be viewed by click on this link. On this page, nine of the fourteen resources are student-created Safe Connects content. Net Literacy is grateful for the IDOE’s advocacy and review of the Safe Connects programs and their efforts to increase Internet safety.
Watch the City of Indianapolis recognize Bright House Networks and the TechPoint Foundation for their contributions that increase digital inclusion with a Proclamation signed by the Mayor and presented by the Deputy Mayor!
Bright House Networks has enabled Net Literacy student volunteers to repurpose over 5,000 computers since your partnership began in 2004, and we have provided computers so that hundreds of computer labs in central Indiana could be constructed or expanded. Thousands of computers have been donated to dozens of IPS and other schools. Also, computers have been donated to public libraries, community centers, senior centers, independent living facilities, HUD apartments, Section 8 apartments, preschools, faith based organizations, centers protecting victims of domestic violence, and homeless shelters, among others.
Watch a 2008 video created by (then) Student Chair Will Petrovic thanking Bright House Networks for five years of support and advocacy!