2015 Youth Leadership Competition for ZCS Students Speaking Out for Internet Safety
Become a “TV Star” just like these three winning ZCS students…with lights, camera, action!
If you had 30 seconds, what would you say to others about internet safety? Write it in one paragraph and email it to [email protected] by October 24, 2015.
One winner from the high school and each middle school will have their suggestions scripted and storyboarded and will star in a professionally produced 30 second public service announcement (PSA) that will air on Bright House Networks’ cable channels and be posted on SafeConnects.org and Net Literacy’s YouTube channel!
Quick Start 1-2-3
1. Answer one of these questions below in a one paragraph response:
How can you protect your personal information and privacy when you are online?
What are some of the ways that you can enhance your net reputation and why is this important when applying for a job or a competitive college?
What advice would you give to a friend about how to have fun while being safe when using social media?
What are some of the most important safety tips that you would tell a younger brother or sister who is beginning to use social media?
2 Read the Summary of Rules:
One opportunity for students at Zionsville High School, one opportunity for students at Zionsville Middle School and one opportunity for students at Zionsville West Middle to win and star in a public service announcement!
You must be a ZCS student in good standing.
Your one paragraph response should be informative, engaging, empowering, and positive.
Include your name, school, grade, and the name and email address of one of your teachers OR one of your parents in your email. Winners will be notified via an email sent to their teacher’s or parent’s email address.
Please subject your email: Youth Leadership Competition for ZCS Students Speaking Out About Safety at (your school’s name).
Upon notification, winning students and their parents must complete a personal appearance release.
This must be the student’s own original work and each student may enter a maximum of three entries.
If possible, please use your school email address.
Winning students will be announced in November, students will be videotaped in December, and the PSAs will begin airing during the first quarter of 2016.
3 Competition Ends October 24,2015 – please email your paragraph no later than October 24th to [email protected].