2. Relating Income to Careers
Pardon our dust – work in process. More videos coming and we will add navigation to eliminate scrolling once we complete adding the videos.
2.1 How do career choices, education, skills, entrepreneurship, and economic conditions affect income?
“School…the easiest way to make $1,000,000 more during your lifetime! Rating*****
“Girl talk” – 🙁 why did I ever decide to go to college?!? Rating****
Following one’s passions into entrepreneurship leads to fame and fortune. Rating***
Following one’s passion into entrepreneurship leads to fame and fortune (Spanish). Rating ***
Dorm talk – two guys talk about being book smart and life stupid. Rating****
An cocky 😛 entrepreneur ends up sucking lemons! Rating ****
Going to college or getting a job and making money now. What to do? Rating**
Going to college or getting a job and making money now. What to do (Spanish)? Rating**
Fundrasing dollars! Rating ***
Fundrasing dollars (Spanish)! Rating ***
When I grow up! Rating *****
2.2 Smart sources of personal income!
No Cash – No Splash!! Rating *****
No Cash – No Splash (in Spanish)!! Rating *****
No Cash – No Divercison (Spanish)!! Rating *****
Are super heroes financially savvy enough to straighten up? Rating****
Working For My Lightsaber? Rating****
Princess II in Finding A Job!? Rating*****
2.3 How do taxes and employee benefits relate to disposable income?
HEY :O – my boss is stealing money out of my paycheck! Rating *****
A taxing problem – where’s my money??? Rating ****